Are You Concerned About Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

Heartburn Chest Pain
Regurgitation Difficulty Swallowing
Sensitivity to Foods and Liquids
First Things First, What is GERD?

GERD is the most common gastrointestinal-related diagnosis made by physicians in the U.S.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) affects an estimated 1 in every 5 Americans.*
Do I need to See a Doctor If I Have GERD?
Yes. Left untreated, GERD can cause damage to the esophagus, chronic symptoms that can be
very painful, even debilitating, and can be a progressive disease that will not resolve itself.
Untreated GERD can also lead to conditions such as Barrett’s esophagus and/or esophageal
cancer. Many GERD sufferers can benefit from anti-reflux surgery. South Coast Global Medical Center offers the Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) procedure as a way to treat GERD.

What is TIF?
Differences between TIF and conventional surgery include:

Incisionless Approach: TIF does not require any incisions, which means less discomfort, faster recovery and no abdominal incisions.

No Dissection: Laparoscopic surgery requires dissection which can increase the risk of complications and adhesions as well as recovery time.

Strong Safety Profile: Over 25,000 patients have been treated with fewer adverse events and complications than conventional antireflux surgery.*

Clinically Proven: 81% of people are completely off of daily PPl medications and less than 3% experience gas bloat and dysphasia after the  TIF procedure. *

The TIF procedure may not be appropriate for your condition and results may vary.  Talk to your doctor about benefits and risks.  This message is co-funded by EndoGastric Solutions

Download Our Factsheet For More Information
Get Back to Living.

Contact KPC Health’s Heartburn and Reflux Relief Center to discover your treatment options
(714) 850-4901.

*Fanous, M, Jaehne, A; Lorenson, D, Williams, S. Massive Caudate Lobe in Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Repair: Tying and Wrapping outside the Box. American Surgeon, Volume 85, Number 7, July 2019, pp. e336-e338(3).